Danielle and Jesse met in a boxing class while both going through really turbulent life circumstances. As Jesse said, they would beat out their anger on the bag. Throughout everything, their lives began to weave together through various circumstances. They wandered into Rise City Church, where I met Danielle in a marriage life group I was leading. I instantly fell in love with her sweet spirit and genuine personality. She was crazy over this man Jesse and wanted to prepare well for where she saw their future headed.
I was thrilled when they asked me to photograph their wedding ceremony and dessert reception. Jesse & Danielle + Five. Five kiddos together make up their beautiful family. A blend that, while challenging, is pretty awe-inspiring to watch them manage. They’re both pretty awesome and my husband and I have grown to love them both (you’ll notice the handsome pastor in the background…. yeah, he’s mine).
Their wedding was hosted at Louis Steltzer County Park… a hidden GEM of a park not far outside our town. This beautiful tree they call the wedding tree. Rightly so. Here are some of my favorites from their celebration.
Jesse made all the planter boxes as well as the games for kids. How gorgeous are they!!?
What a sweet honor for her little boy, Tristan, to walk his mama down the aisle!
That light just dripped through those trees to make that beautiful golden glow.
Oooh congratulations you lovebirds. I know with every ounce of my being you’re going to do pretty amazing things together in your lifetime. You’re a perfect match and Brandon and I are so thankful we could be apart of your story. Love you both.